Suicide Crisis receives no money from the government, and is supported entirely by donations, for which we are very grateful. Here are some ways in which you can donate to us:
- JustGiving – to make one-off or monthly donations, or to organise a fundraising campaign or sponsored event
- Facebook – many of our supporters like to organise a campaign to raise money from their friends instead of asking for birthday presents, but you can make an individual donation at any time
- PayPal – probably the fastest way to send money to us
- Crowdfunder – like JustGiving, allows you to make one-off or monthly contributions, or organise a campaign
- GiveAsYouLive – a small donation will be made to your selected charity every time you buy something from many online businesses, at no extra cost to yourself
- Charities Aid Foundation – as well as individual donations, they allow companies to set up payroll giving schemes for their employees
- Charity Challenge – organises sponsored challenges which you can join in support of your chosen charity
- Collection Pot – allows funds raised by a campaign to be shared between two or more charities