
Welcome to the Suicide Crisis website

Suicide Crisis is a registered charity that works nationally and locally to prevent suicide. We also work on suicide prevention initiatives in other countries.

We run an award-winning Suicide Crisis Centre in the U.K.

Our Suicide Crisis Centre offers a safe place where you will be supported and helped through your crisis. We have a team of dedicated, caring, well-trained people who really want to help.

We provide face to face crisis support. Our new Suicide Crisis Centre is open 24 hours a day for people at high risk of suicide.

Our Suicide Crisis Centre can support you if you live in Gloucestershire.  We also have a Trauma Centre.

The Suicide Crisis Centre

The Trauma Centre

We’re based in Cheltenham in Gloucestershire. We are a registered charity.

If you are feeling suicidal, please click on The Suicide Crisis Centre link above.

We are completely independent and this independence has allowed us to set up the kind of services that our clients want.

Our work is now attracting international attention. In 2016 we were asked to give oral evidence about our Suicide Crisis Centre to the Parliamentary Select Committee which undertook an inquiry into the measures needed to prevent suicide. We were also asked by the Government’s adviser on suicide to give a presentation about our work to the national advisory group which he chairs. The Ministry of Health in New Zealand wrote to commend our work in 2019.

The Chief Constable of the British Transport Police has described our work as “pioneering”. Our work has also been described as “inspirational” and “extraordinary” by the South West Zero Suicide Collaborative, one of three pilot schemes for the Government’s zero suicide initiative.

Our Suicide Crisis Centre has been featured on BBC Breakfast News, the BBC 6 0’Clock News, Sky News and in national and international newspapers.

We are funded by a combination of small grants and public donations.

Suicide Crisis is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 8326320. Registered as a Charity in England and Wales, number 1170444.