Donate or Get Involved

Donate or Volunteer


Suicide Crisis receives no money from the government, and is supported entirely by donations, for which we are very grateful. Here are some ways in which you can donate to us:

  • JustGiving – to make one-off or monthly donations, or to organise a fundraising campaign or sponsored event
  • Facebook – many of our supporters like to organise a campaign to raise money from their friends instead of asking for birthday presents, but you can make an individual donation at any time
  • PayPal – probably the fastest way to send money to us
  • Crowdfunder – like JustGiving, allows you to make one-off or monthly contributions, or organise a campaign
  • GiveAsYouLive – a small donation will be made to your selected charity every time you buy something from many online businesses, at no extra cost to yourself
  • Charities Aid Foundation – as well as individual donations, they allow companies to set up payroll giving schemes for their employees
  • Charity Challenge – organises sponsored challenges which you can join in support of your chosen charity
  • Collection Pot – allows funds raised by a campaign to be shared between two or more charities


We would love to hear from you if you are interested in volunteering. There are many ways in which you can help us and our clients, so please use the ‘Contact Us’ facility on the website to get in touch.

Currently we would love to hear from a volunteer with excellent IT skills and creative skills who is able to assist with websites, create newsletters etc.

We sometimes have vacancies for volunteers to be members of the Suicide Crisis team, supporting clients on a one to one basis. You need at least level 3 counselling skills for these voluntary roles. Currently all but one of our team are fully qualified BACP-accredited counsellors. You’ll also need to be prepared to undertake further training specifically to support clients who are at risk of suicide.

Within our charity we have a number of clinical advisers, including an advising psychiatrist and the former co-clinical lead of an NHS psychological therapies service. We are hugely grateful to them for the wonderful and speedy advice which they provide. It may be that you feel you could contribute as an adviser.

In addition, we sometimes need additional volunteers to provide clinical supervision to members of our team. Our current supervisors include the lead clinician of a psychological therapies service and two supervising counsellors. All of them are experienced in providing clinical supervision.

You may have some other skill, ability or professional expertise which you could contribute (management, publicity, legal knowledge, clinical knowledge, communications, media liaison, computer skills, event organising or driving to take members of our team out to visit clients).

We like to create roles around people’s individual qualities and experience, so if you feel that you have something specific to contribute, please let us know.

In the past we have undertaken research into deaths by suicide. As part of this research we attended inquests. We would like to undertake further research, and are looking for individuals with admin/secretarial experience, who have excellent shorthand skills, to attend inquests to ensure that we can document every word spoken at inquests in Gloucestershire. We aim through this research to have a more detailed understanding of why individuals have taken their own life, and what learning points there were for services involved in their care.

We are very grateful to the lawyers who have provided free help to our clients, in many different situations. We are always happy to hear from lawyers. Special thanks to Steven, a very experienced London barrister, who is representing bereaved families at inquests in Gloucestershire, as a result of our concern that families are rarely represented.